Final Project: Photogrammetry

My Proposal:

Jasmin Kim
4 min readDec 6, 2021

For the past assignments, I got to try out how photogrammetry and 3D-Printing works. Since I’ve learned how huge objects(like bicycles) could be scaled and printed, I wanted to try out how detailed and small objects could be printed this time.

This time, I would like to focus on the patterns and material of the object. Because my previous focus was printing out the whole object(bicycle), I want to see how detailed an object model could be.

Objects like stuffed animals, patterned plastic, plants could be a good example because all of those contain patterns, and dynamic interesting aspects (each).

After some consideration, I decided to work on photogrammetry-ing plastic ducks.

Photo Examples:

I decided to go with these ducks because they were more dynamic and had distinctive physical factors that can differentiate these from other rubber duckies.

1st Trial (22 cameras):

Large shots of my 1st trial
Close-up shots

From my first trial, I realized that the table that I was using was quite shiny and was reflecting light to my ducks.

Front part of the ducks were captured pretty well but the back of ducks were hollowed due to the reflection.

What should I do different?

  • Outside picture(cloudy weather/no directed light environment)
  • Maybe more pictures than 22
  • Grass background?

2nd Trial(52 cameras):

Large shots of my 2nd trial
Close-up shots

From my second trial, I was happy that most of the parts were captured and the general shape of my ducks were being presented now.

What should I do different?

  • Try to focus on the bottom part(surface where my duck and the ground is meeting)
  • As I move into meshmixer, I can smooth out the surface

3rd Trial:

Now it’s time to move on to meshmixer

Large shots
Close-up shots

What did I do?

I tried to make ducks’ surface smoother by using Bubblesmooth and inflate sculpt tools. Because their inner surface are hollow, I’ve also added a ground surface to fill up the bottom part.

Final Reflection

From this last project, I got to overall summarize and compress what I’ve learned for a past semester. For this final project, I was able to use both metashape and meshmixer. I got to see how cameras, lighting, and angles were important when capturing an object out in the environment. Unlike my previous bicycle photogrammetry modeling, I felt like I was modeling something real-life scale object into my screen.

Because I already learned from previous projects that there are a lot of external factors I have to consider about during the process, I tried to integrate as much as I can while doing this final deliverable. I got to figure out how the physical world could influence the result deeper than before and refine the result into a better communicative shape(by using meshmixer).

Overall, not only this final project, but all of the projects were new and interesting as a graphic designer who does not have a lot of opportunity to use 3D apps. Now, I feel like I‘m comfortable with these programs and would like to use these for my personal design projects in the future.

