Design Hero Poster: Milton Glaser
Initial designer Choices:

Who is Milton Glaser?

Baby Teeth fonts (

Milton Glaser (b.1929) is among the most celebrated graphic designers in the United States. His designs include the I Love New York logo, the psychedelic Bob Dylan poster, and the logos for DC Comics, Stony Brook University, and Brooklyn Brewery.

What style can I see?
- Expressive
- Smart use of shapes but also shows freedom
- Colorful
- Plays a lot with patterns
- Like to show symbolism
Brief Sketches

In-class Feedbacks:
- Having a single artwork representing Milton Glaser might be weak
- Milton Glaser is one of the artists with a lot of legacy and artworks
- Instead of being too literal or too simple, try to think how I can show a lot of his works but also define who he is
- Playing with shapes for his name is interesting: Using Glaser St’cil font for this name is also interesting| Decide when to use which font types
Can see possibilities for these:

Where should I spend more time?
- Explore more on how to collage his works other then just place/listing on the poster
- What colors can represent his identity?
- How can I not be too iconic(simple) or too general(diverse)
Refined Posters

In-Class Feedbacks
- Adding his portrait drawing on the first poster(1) is an interesting idea
- But, little bit overwhelming
- Audience can not decide/define where to focus at(too much going on at the same time)
- Instead of just showing same pieces of his artwork, how can I collaborate/combine those to create a story?
- Rather than creating a space to locate a text how can I be more meaningful?
- Art works on the three posters (2,3,4) does not feel they are together (they are doing their own things)
Questions for myself
How did I took a different approach from previous posters?
- Milton Glaser’s artworks are himself
- It shows his personality, habits, style, and everything
- Be more expressive and show the story within the poster
Various types of his portraits

Some parts to Combine

What do I have to consider here?
- Should I aim for diverse colors?
- High color contrast? (Black and White)
- Or look for diversity/energy?
#2 Refined posters

- Glaser is one of the artists with the most diverse legacy (4–5 dates might not be enough to describe about his long life)
- #4 and #6 communicates well
- Having his name allows more negative space for people to look
- Getting rid of black circles on the chair for #4
- Higher picture quality for #6 circles?
- Think about the area for my paragraph(the rag in the paragraph too)
- Tighten up the leading between Milton and Glaser

How does it look different when I print it out?
Is it too large or too small?
Glaser St’cil Font or Baby Teeth Font for the title?
Decided to go with Glaser St’cil because this font does not take up too much space and allows good amount of negative space while showing his uniqueness at the same time.
Too saturated or too unsaturated?
Any area that needs more negative spaces?
Final Poster(link to google drive)

Final Showcase